As we celebrate our nation’s 233rd birthday this July 4, it is important to remember that our freedom came at a heavy price. Men and women who personally sacrificed and continue to sacrifice to provide us with liberty should be thanked and remembered in reflective thought and prayer. We are truly blessed to live in this most favored nation.
Yet every day we continue to sacrifice the freedom we have been so graciously provided. While each day we debate how current or past political climes have diminished our freedom, it is not the purpose of this writing. It is time to take a serious look at our individual freedom and how we willingly give it away when we become dependent upon a job. According to a recent article Why Americans hate their jobs, “A majority of Americans now say they are unhappy at work.” (The Week January 7, 2010)
The greatest loss of freedom in America happens on Monday morning. Millions of people climb into their cars and funnel into the rat race. There they fight and struggle to maintain a lifestyle they have built based on the income provided by the job they have selected. Whether by ignorance, influence, or indifference, most employees have built an invisible yet totally effective cage they now live in. They are imprisoned by their jobs, trapped by the need to provide for a family and maintain a lifestyle.
The idea that each person is free is long forgotten. Each week many will fear the loss of “their job” not realizing it isn’t theirs, it belongs to the employer and he or she has full control over who will own “their job”. Sadly, many will find that even their employer has little or no control over who will stay and who will go as companies we never imagined would go out of business disappear from the landscape. Circuit City went from good to great to gone leaving thousands unemployed.
There is hope. We still enjoy individual freedom in this country and we should exercise our freedom with great vigor. We are free to choose where and if we will work and we’re free to create our own work should we choose. Here are four steps to ensure you maintain your freedom:
- Find your passion. What is it that you were uniquely designed to do? Many will have to spend hours sifting through the years of work they have done for the money to get to the essence of who they really are. Everyone has a purpose. What is yours?
- Remember that you are the CEO of your own personal services corporation. You have the option to choose to sell your services to one client (your employer) or to open up your own shop to serve many. Entrepreneurship is the single greatest tool to ensure independence. The first step is to realize that you are already in business for yourself. Who do you choose as your customer?
- Examine your current line of work to find an opportunity. While you may not believe your current work is your passion, there is likely a good reason you chose to work in the field you are in. Is there a place where your passion and your experience intersect? That’s where opportunity lies!
- Exercise your freedom. Don’t remain trapped by the current situation. Think of the countless hours you likely waste each week that could be put to good use developing your own business that will provide added income, opportunity, and freedom.
Every person in the United States (the world for that matter) should approach his or her work as a business owner. How well are you using the resources you currently possess? Everyone has time, talent, knowledge, experience, expertise, passion, and property they can leverage to create greater value for their customer(s). That may mean becoming more valuable at your current job or opening a small business to serve others.
Honor the sacrifice made on your behalf by those men and women who provided you with freedom by approaching your work as a business owner. When you work at a job for one employer, give it your very best. No one ever created a better life by giving it anything less. You made the choice to work where you work. Remember that you are selling your services to your employer. You receive both money and experience as payment for your services. Learn how to do your work better than before and your services will be more valuable to your current employer, future employers, and future clients.
Treat your work as a business, and treat your business as an opportunity. Entrepreneurship is the greatest exercise of freedom.
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Hi Glen,
I just wanted to tell you I especially enjoyed this article. I have read several of your articles referenced through my son, Trey’s facebook page, but this one I really enjoyed.
Heather Gould Bloodsworth
This is an outstanding piece. One of the reasons so many people hate their jobs is that their company lacks ‘inspired leaders’. . .’servant leaders’. . .leaders who can help each individual first identify and recognize and then take advantage of their unique talents and skills.
But this said, your point about “entrepreneurship” being “the greatest exercise of freedom” will stick with me for a long time.
Bob Littell
Glenn, I liked your post but you waited till the end to say “give your job your best effort”. I find some of people that are unhappy with their job are the ones who are contributing as little as possible and really just doing the minimum to get by but then they are upset when they are not given more responsibility, money, time off etc etc. Being an entrepreneur is not all that easy and for a lot of people it easy to dream about but they do not have the drive and self sacrifice needed to take it on. I would tell you from my experience running a business for over a decade, if you are an employee, try acting like and thinking like the owner. I echo your thoughts that it never hurts to try harder, show up more, stay late, come in early, take on the tough tasks, create solutions … The benefits that find you may be a pleasant surprise but if you are not rewarded then you know you should move on and more important you have tested yourself. If you could do it for someone else at that level, then you have a better shot and proof that you can do it for yourself.