Every once in a while you will be placed in a situation where you only have a few seconds to convey to others who you are and what you do. It may be at a formal networking event or in a chance meeting. These short interactions can be extremely powerful if you are prepared.
Have you ever noticed that the volume on your television magically increases during commercials? Advertisers know that they must grab your attention in the first few seconds of their message and they also know that you are likely to leave the room for a moment or two. Therefore they increase the volume to lure you back. Even if you don’t return to the room, they want to be sure that they have been heard.
But Magical Networking Moments (elevator pitches or self-introductions) in a group or one on one are different. While it is important that the volume and pitch of your voice are appropriate for the setting, what you say will be far more important than a commercial advertiser. You are likely to only have this one chance to make an impression. Therefore you must plan well what you will say and what you hope to gain by delivering the message.
Remember your desired outcome. It is impossible to get everyone in the room or every person you meet to be interested in your products or services solely based on a short introduction. This should be the beginning of a relationship. Your goal is to craft a message in such a way that the people who are right for you are compelled to ask you for more information. You’ll know you’re on the right track when you deliver a short message and people ask you for more information.
Experts tell us that we have between three and seven seconds to grab someone’s attention long enough to keep it when they are expecting our message. Starting with a simple question and following with your name is a good technique. For example, “Have you ever known someone who struggled introducing themselves in front of a group? I’m Glen and I help people get what they want when meeting people.” Always end with a tag line or your name in the final sentence. We recommend using only your first name since time is short and one name is easier to remember than two.
In the example above we are seeking people who are struggling to introduce themselves. And while we are targeting the group in which this message is delivered, we have done it in a way that gives each person who responds deniability. Few people are willing to admit they have a problem in front of others. Each person can feel comfortable approaching us without revealing to the group that they have a problem since our message was directed to people who have “known someone who struggled.” If it had asked “have you ever struggled” our responses would be very few.
The key is to take your standard Magical Networking Moment and pull the middle out. Start with a bang and end with a bang and your time is up. If you haven’t crafted your standard Magical Networking Moment yet this shortened message will be the boilerplate for your standard version. Either way you should remain consistent.
What you say and how you say it will have a big impact on your results. Having a standard Magical Networking Moment that begins and ends the same will provide you with the ability to shorten your message to fit any occasion. You will be more consistent and memorable which will deliver better results and help you build deep relationships with your clients and referring partners.